Our lives revolve around our most important relationship.

If your life was a wheel, your marriage (or most intimate relationship) would be at the centre. When it is harmonious, strong and aligned, you cruise around and the ride is smooth. When you hit bumps in the road, you glide over them.

Like anything, without regular maintenance and upkeep, the pressures, wear and tear take their toll, and you see it in the performance. If you don't heed the warning signs, you can cause irreparable damage, and what could have been an easy fix becomes an expensive overhaul or disastrous blow up with far ranging consequences. 


Hi, I'm alicia

I am a conflict and communication expert. I have been working in mediation and employment law for the past 24 years and I'm now using my skills and abilities to mentor and work with couples that want to feel more connected, introduce a spark to their relationship, and experience the love they once felt for each other.

Marriage coaching is a forward facing approach that focuses on the road ahead. It's like getting your car serviced, and having the oil and tyres changed. It involves an investment at the time but it prevents costly and dangerous situations arising that you may not even be aware of or shouldn't be ignored

Marriage coaching can assist you if you're experiencing:

  • struggle and tension in your marriage

  • disconnection and dissatisfaction

  • an unbalanced relationship

  • resentment towards each other

  • conflict over parenting styles and issues with children

  • feeling taken for granted or misunderstood

  • spending issues or other money issues

  • potential or actual infidelity

  • a major life upheaval such as a renovation, job change or redundancy

Or, you may not be experiencing conflict but may wish to invest in your relationship to create clarity with you and your partner and set yourself up for a strong relationship.

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